Monday, December 1, 2008

Norse Mythology Definitions

Vikings-Norse Explorers, merchants and warriors, that raided throughout europe from the late 8th century to the early 9th century.

Ginnungagap-Ginnungagap was a vast dark void. It was the beginning of the world before creation.

Nifleheim-Nifleheim was the land of fog and ice.

Muspellheim-Muspellheim was the land of fire and it was guarded by a giant named Surt.

Yggdrasil-Yggdrasil was the world ash tree of life and it holds all nine worlds together.

Asgard-Asgard was the home of the gods.

Midgard-Midgard is the land of man.

Hel-Hel was the home of the dead, and the goddess of the dead.

Bifrost Bridge-Bifrost Bridge was a divine bridge, it was the link between the humans and the gods. It was a rainbow.

Ymir-One of the frost giants. He was fierce, wild and evil. He was killed by Odin and his sons.

Odin-Odin was the main god. He was the leader. He was the god of wisdom, was, witchcraft, poetry, storm and night. He had many women and children as well.

Frigg- Frigg was the wife of Odin. She was the cloud spinner, the most powerful goddess, and she was the goddess of love, destiny and marriage.

The Valkyries-The Valkyries were the hero selectors and the choosers of slain.

The Norns-The Norns were the fate maidens. There were 3: Urd-past, Verdandi-present, and Skuld-future.

Thor-Thor was the warrior son. He was the strongest son of Odin. He was the god of thunder, battle,and fertility. He was fierce and had a great temper. Mjolliner was his hammer and he had a charito pulled by goats.

Balder-Balder was the beloved son of Odin and Frigg. He was the god of radiance and rebirth, justice and light. He was beautiful and killed by Loki.

Njord-Njord was the god of wind and sea. He was the patron of sailers and fisherman. Frey and Freya were Njords children.

Frey-Frey was the god of fertility and prosperity, sun and rain. He was the brother of Freya and the son of Njord.

Freya-Freya was the goddess of love, fertlity, beauty, magic, war and death. She was the sister of Frey and the daughter of Njord.

Idunn-Idunn was Oddins daughter in law. She was married to Broggy. She was the goddess of youth, and the keeper of the golden apples.

Loki-Loki was the son of giants. He wsa a half blooded god, and he had magic powers. He was a trickster and was cunning and decietful, he came in many disguises. Loki was evil and had evil children, together they would reak havok in the world.

Fenrir-Fenrir was the wolf destroyer.

Jormungandr-He was the world serpant

Ragnarok-Ragnarok was the final battle. It was Loki and his children and Fenrir, the world serpant, and Hel vs.the gods of Asgard, the humans and evil will prevail and good will fail.

Runes-Runes were symbols on stones and when you threw them and which ever way they landed, they would tell your fate.