Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hero Journey

"Atalanta's father, whatever his name was, when a daughter and not a son was born to him, was, of course, bitterly disappointed." (180-181)


"(…) maidens (…) who loved adventure as much as the most dauntless hero and who could outshoot, outrun, and outwrestle, too, the men of one of the two great ages of heroism." (180)
Major Flaw
"A she bear took charge of her, nursed her, and kept her warm, and the baby grew up thus into an active daring little girl." (181)

Call to Adventure

"Kind hunters then found her and took her to live with them. She became in the end more than their equal in all the arduous feats of a hunters life." (181)
Companions and Supernatural Guides
"A she bear took charge of her, nursed her, and kept her warm, and the baby grew up thus into an active daring little girl." (181)


"Once two Centaurs, swifter and stronger by far than any mortal, caught sight of her when she was alone, and pursued her. She did not run from them; that would be folly. She stood still and fitted an arrow to her bow and shot. A second arrow followed, both Centaurs fell mortally wounded." (181)


1. "Then came the famous hunt of the Caledonian Bear. This was a terrible creature sent to ravage the country of Calydon by Artemis(…)" (181)
2. "At the funeral games held in his honor, Atalanta appeared among the contestants, and in the wrestling match conquered the young man who was to be the father of Achilles, the great hero Peleus." (182)
3. "As a way of disposing of them easily and agreeably she declared that she would marry whoever could beat her in a footrace, knowing well that there was no such man alive. She had a delightful time. Fleet footed young men were always arriving to race her and she always outran them." (184)

Ultimate Battle
"But at least one came who used his head as well as his heels. He knew he was not a good runner as she, but he had a plan."(184)
"She saw the gleam through the green, she could not resist it. As she picked the apple up, her lover panting and almost winded, touched the goal, she was his." (184)


"Her free days alone in the forest and her athletic victories were over. The two are said to have been turned into lion's because of some affront offered either to Zeus or Aphrodite." (184)


"(…) Atalanta had bourn a son, Partheonepaeus, who was one of the seven against Thebes.
The Elk
There was once an old man, hungry and lonesome walking through the woods. While he pondered the thought of food and what he would eat, he saw a herd of elk. He told them he was alone and had no one to follow him. The elk followed him for a long while. When darkness fell upon the land, the group came to a high cut bank, however, little did the elk know below it, there was a steep bluff. The old man, knowing this, told the elk that it was a nice jump; that they would laugh. All but one cow jumped off, as a result, all the rest were killed. The old man asked her to jump as well, she replied to him, “My child is about to be born, and I am very heavy, I am afraid to jump.” For this reason, the old man told her to go on, that in fact, there would be plenty of elk again some day. So the Cow, went on and lived. The old man took the meat from the elk he had tricked into jumping and hung it to dry along with the tongues. He went away for the day and was hungry when he returned. When he went to get the meat, it was gone; the wolves had eaten it. When he went to get the tongues, they were hollow and eaten as well. The mice had eaten the meat out, therefore the old man starved yet again.

1.) The Elk." Indian Mythology. Indian Mythology. 2006. 6 November 2008.

2.) Holser, Ginger. "Elk." 2008. Photograph. Living With Wildlife. 11 November 2008 http://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/living/elk.htm.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hero Journey

Step in Hero Journey




"Atalanta's father, whatever his name was, when a daughter and not a son was born to him, was, of course, bitterly disappointed."



"(…) maidens (…) who loved adventure as much as the most dauntless hero and who could outshoot, outrun, and outwrestle, too, the men of one of the two great ages of heroism." (180)

Major Flaw

"A she bear took charge of her, nursed her, and kept her warm, and the baby grew up thus into an active daring little girl." (181)

Call to Adventure

"Kind hunters then found her and took her to live with them. She became in the end more than their equal in all the arduous feats of a hunters life." (181)

Companions and Supernatural Guides

"A she bear took charge of her, nursed her, and kept her warm, and the baby grew up thus into an active daring little girl." (181)


"Once two Centaurs, swifter and stronger by far than any mortal, caught sight of her when she was alone, and pursued her. She did not run from them; that would be folly. She stood still and fitted an arrow to her bow and shot. A second arrow followed, both Centaurs fell mortally wounded." (181)


  1. "Then came the famous hunt of the Caledonian Bear. This was a terrible creature sent to ravage the country of Calydon by Artemis(…)" (181)
  2. "At the funeral games held in his honor, Atalanta appeared among the contestants, and in the wrestling match conquered the young man who was to be the father of Achilles, the great hero Peleus." (182)
  3. "As a way of disposing of them easily and agreeably she declared that she would marry whoever could beat her in a footrace, knowing well that there was no such man alive. She had a delightful time. Fleet footed young men were always arriving to race her and she always outran them." (184)











Ultimate Battle

"But at least one came who used his head as well as his heels. He knew he was not a good runner as she, but he had a plan."(184)


"She saw the gleam through the green, she could not resist it. As she picked the apple up, her lover panting and almost winded, touched the goal, she was his." (184)


"Her free days alone in the forest and her athletic victories were over. The two are said to have been turned into lion's because of some affront offered either to Zeus or Aphrodite." (184)


"(…) Atalanta had bourn a son, Partheonepaeus, who was one of the seven against Thebes."